Passing through the Waters

I have worked with youth for several years in various roles: as a 7th grade English teacher, confirmation teacher, leader of small groups, retreat leader, mission trip leader, and now as a pastor of youth. I learn each and every time I spend with youth what a blessing...

UMC Discipline in word clouds

Yesterday I created a word cloud (“a visualization of word frequency in a given text as a weighted list” – Wikipedia) to use as a home page banner for PUMC’s “Beliefs and Practices” page. I wound up doing a different graphic for it,...

Giving Up on Perfect

Recently when I was driving our son Tim to school, he started a conversation with me about something from last year’s school experience when he was in first grade. It reminded me of something from the year before when he was in kindergarten at Clissold Elementary in...

5 Ways the church will change

Holy Soup post by Thom Schultz “Thumma suggested congregations take a number of actions: … get rid of the concept of church committees” … oh, boy, what would Methodists do without committees? 😉 💡