Do Not Hold on to Me

Do Not Hold on to Me

If you’re not currently looking for Jesus Christ, then you should know that he is looking for you … Easter Sunday is not a day to memorialize Jesus or even to simply proclaim the fact of his resurrection. “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still...
Inside-Out Outcast Hospitality

Inside-Out Outcast Hospitality

We saw in the compressed 4½ minutes of The Shawshank Redemption that not much changed in those 20 years. In all three scenes the room is the same room, with exactly the same drab curtains and blinds, with the same amount of sunlight shining through, with the same...
What have I forgotten about “church?”

What have I forgotten about “church?”

I wish I had more time to read the amazing, engrossing, and heart-felt blog posts from Christians struggling with what it means to “be the church” by expressing their frustration with “going to church.” I want to meet these people face-to-face...